Friday, April 17, 2009

The Lyudmila Project Part II (that's 2)

(You can find part 1 here)

So I got another e-mail from the always awesome Lyudmila.

Hi Bryan! First of all - Thank you! I am very glad that you have
decided to answer. I had big hope that you will answer me, but I
hadn't big belief that it will happen. Therefore thank you. Bryan, I
hope I write my thoughts clearly. Please, if I write with mistakes, do
not be angry with me. English language is my second language and
though I adore this language, I nevertheless do not know it ideally. I
wanted to tell so many things, but now I sit and I do not know what to
tell. I am simply glad. I know that I simply should tell more about
me, about my character, about my interests as I promised. And I really
hope that it interestingly for you, because for me as well would be
interestingly to learn about you as much as possible. I really hope
that it interestingly for you, because for me as well would be
interestingly to learn about you as much as possible. I am very glad
that I began to study English language because it has opened for me
the broadest world of the finest music and poetry because all greatest
singers and bands are English-speaking. My unconditional favorites -
Roger Waters and David Gilmore. I very much like Mark Knopfler, Queen,
Witney Houston, Roxette, Sting and many other singers, including
Russian, but I think, their names for you will be not the most
familiar (smile). I like classical music. And of course I like movie.
American movie outside of any doubts - the greatest. Castaway, Pretty
Woman, Dragonfly, the Scent of a Woman, Stepmother, K-PAX are some my
favorites. I very like the American culture and is very glad, that I
can visit the USA soon. Now I have all necessary for this purpose. BUT
now I should finish work for my client. This client lives in the USA.
Now I project design for this client. This is very difficult work .
This project is estimated in 3000 USD. When I will finish it, my
client will send me payment. I will use this money for travel to the
USA. Bryan, can I ask you, what are you looking for in a woman? And are
you looking for a soul-mate? How many times you already tried to find
a friend or soul-mate in such way? And how many friends you have on
the Internet? (I think in the greater degree I ask about women
(smile)). Do you love your family Bryan? How often you meet your
family? Forgive me please if I have asked something personal. With
sincere pleasure and gratitude for your letter. Lyudmila.

So of course I again had to make up some bat-shit insane letter to send back. here it is:


Sorry for the delay in getting back to you. It's been a rough week or so. My douchebag next door neighbor called the cops on me for being too loud and then when the cops got here I took a swing at one and got busted. It's been a crazy week in out of the US legal system. I'm back home now ready to resume my career as a costumed hero.

I didn't mention that? Yeah I patrol the streets of my city in tights and a big old cape protecting the innocent from the ravages of the suburbs. Yesterday I helped get a kitten out of a tree with my laser gun. I can't figure why the little boy was crying so much. I mean I just barely hit the cat with the laser, and he got it back. He didn't ask to get it down alive. People need to be more direct sometimes.

In other news, my spanish uncle Ron, who I mentioned before, died the other day. It's sad but at least I get his hog farm. I'm gonna sell that jibbly and make a mint. It'll be pretty sweet. I probably use that dough to build my new hero car. I think I'll name it Bry-cycle, even though it technically be a car, but it's cool nonetheless.

So how is your trip planning coming? Are you still coming to the US to visit soon. It would be cool if you came, cause I could get a costume for you and you could be my new sidekick. I'd have to to put the seat back in the Bry-cycle, but that's no big deal. I'll just rip it off from my boner of a neighbor.

Please write back soon as I can't wait much longer. My loins are dripping.

Sweet baby Bryan

Now we wait for her to ask for dough to come to the US. I'm not stopping until I get them on the phone.


On to part three

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