Sunday, December 25, 2005

How I spent Dec. 24-25

Saturday December 24.

Woke up at 10, listening to my roomate argue with her mom on the phone. Found that boring. Went back to sleep. Woke back up at 4pm, and headed off to work. Worked from 5-7pm, and then went home. Sat by myself until 12am, when I decided to head out to find an open bar. 12:15am found a bar. Sat alone in the bar until 1:00am when they closed. Went home. Arrived back home at 1:15. Went to bed. Couldn't sleep. Finally at 4:30-5:00am, I took some Benadryl to knock me out. Fell asleep at about 8am.

Sunday December 25.
Woke up at 4pm. Went to work. Worked 5-7pm, went to go visit my mom. Arrived at 7:30pm. Sat alone in my mom's house until 9:30, when I had to leave to go back to work. 10:00pm. Arrive at work. It is now 10:15. After this I go home, and sit on my ass.

And people wonder why these two days mean absolutely nothing to me.


1 comment:

artsy&geeky said...

Sorry I woke you up arguing with my mom, but I find it pretty funny. I don't even remember what we were aguing about. Oh yes, now I do, it was the holidays. Got to luv them, not really, but whatever:)