Tuesday, April 26, 2005

My obit

Courtesy of the Random Obituary Writer....(it's actually kind of funny, it changes even if you leave the same name in)


We regret to announce the disturbing passing of Bryan, who on the 3rd of October of this year was savagely completely consumed by a deranged axe-murderer. This unfortunate incident occurred in an adult bookstore somewhere on Interstate 52. The deceased was reported to have shouted "Did you hear something?" just before expiring. Bryan is survived by a bunch of cats, who could really care less. Funeral services will be held the 5th of next month.


artsy&geeky said...

Lola will miss you!

You "expired," just like the milk in the fridge:) But, you know, it sucks that your dead, of course.

artsy&geeky said...

We regret to announce the untimely demise of Leslie, who on the 2nd of August of this year was savagely vaporized by Gizmorlag the Slug Demon. This unfortunate incident occurred in an anthill behind an outhouse. The deceased was reported to have shouted "Not again!" just before expiring. Leslie is survived by Gladys Happyfoot, a trained chimpanzee. Funeral services will be held the 2nd of next month.

Bryan said...

That milk is still good. I had some this morning. Tasty. I don't care if it expired last week.

Bryan said...

Addendum: I drank more of the milk a few days later, and well got sick. Hooray.