Tuesday, April 12, 2005


I've been neglecting this thing lately. But I don't have much to say.

Fuck I'm getting old. 27 is approaching fast. That's one more year closer to 30. And everyone knows you're not allowed to have fun past 30. I've quit pulling grey hairs out of my head. I'm going bald. My knees hurt all the time. I'm getting old. Only one person I hang out with is older than me. Everyone else is like 3-4 years younger. Fuck I'm getting old.

I'm so sick of being alone right now. It's boring as shit. I feel uncomfortable when I'm around couples. I was out with some people on Sunday, and I just could not feel comfortable. They invited me to dinner, but I just wanted to get away from the couple-ly-ness. I'm happy that they are happy, but I can't stand to be around people all the time that are all lovey all the time. I'm the third or fifth wheel all the damn time. None of my friends are even single (I'm sitting here trying to think of someone I know that is single and I can't). Just me. And that is how it always is. Bryan is always the single person. I'm fucking sick of it. I'm going to boycott couples.

Why the fuck am I not allowed to be happy?

hmm....Guess I did have something to say.

Oh yeah. Got another moped. It's a piece of shit. Going to get another piece of shit on Thursday.

Seems like vent time is over, for now anyway.


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