Friday, October 29, 2004

after thinking about it

It was a really shitty thing to ask a person to get rid of their pets. It was a very asshole thing to do. We should not have done it. I'm sorry.


So I went and looked at an apartment last night. It's a total kick ass place. Only problem is that they don't allow pets. I personally don't care about that, but there's three of us looking for a place together. One of the people has pets. So now we have the dilemma, so we get the place and screw the person with the pets over?? I'd rather not do that. We made the plan for all three of us to get a place and if a place doesn't allow pets, then that's not the place for us. I kinda wish we wouldn't have seen that place since it's awesome, and it won't fit into our plans. There's more than one place to live out there, so we'll find something equally as cool.

On another note, having to be at work at 4am should be illegal. I don't know what the hell it's like to sleep these days. I wish I was drunk. Then I could sleep.

Thursday, October 28, 2004

moblogs rock

I love moblogs. Check mine out here

Wednesday, October 27, 2004

I finally did something cool.....'s almost done....It's all coming together.

Tuesday, October 26, 2004


is good. My plan is working well. I got up on time, made it to work early (unlike the last month being at least 2 hours late every day). I've gotten a lot of crap done, and I feel great. Hot damn.

Monday, October 25, 2004

So many things to change

I'm not where I want to be with my life. But after the last couple of weeks I now have the motivation to change these things. It seems like such an overwhelming task though. I want to start now on being a more complete person. I'm sick of only being part of who I want to be. It's hard though, since I don't have the capabilities to do some of things I want. That really discourages me. It almost makes me want to not do anything and just let my life go on. The longer that I wait though, the worse it gets to be me. It's not an overnight change either. It's going to take a year or so to reverse the 26 years of my life that I don't want anymore. I wish it was a simple as snapping a finger, but where's the adventure in that. Yesterday was start of my new life. The one I want.

Sunday, October 24, 2004

It's time to stop

I finally realized it's time for me to stop being irresponsible. I need to grow up. My body cannot handle the lack of sleep I get, the lack of food I eat, and all the liqour I've been drinking. I need to realize what my priorities are and stick to them. I'm not sixteen anymore. Time to be an adult.

Friday, October 22, 2004

Almost here

Finally the end of the week has arrived. I couldn't be more ready. The chance to escape the boring rituals of the Monday-Friday life is invaluable. I don't even have much planned, but just the fact that I don't is what makes me feel great. My life is usually so chaotic and busy, a few days of nothing will make me feel great.

I was listening to people talk about high school the other day and all the fond memories they have from it. It made me sad since I have no fond memories from then. I can barely remember anything from high school. I just remember getting weird looks and people snickering as I walked down the hall. It was not a happy time for me. I also hear stories about the great times people had when they were in college. I don't have those either. I'm a little jealous that these people have these great lives where as I had nothing. I have some good stories and times about when I was in my late teens and early twenties, but I feel left out when people talk about their high school and college experiences. I've always kind of felt left out of things, but I've never really known why until recently. I didn't have the same kind of life a lot of people have had. I know we're all unique and we should be proud of the lives we lead, since they are our own. But I would also like to have something that I can share with people. I don't feel as though I have much in common with a lot of people. And it's not that I want to be like everybody else, because let's face it a lot of people suck, but I would like to feel that I have something in common with a fellow person. I guess I still haven't found who I am, but I feel like I'm getting closer to the answer. I don't like me very much, but I do like the life I'm living now (around 60% of the time), and that will have to do for now.


Wednesday, October 20, 2004

I love George W Bush.

Not really. But I do love having a moron that I can make fun of as the leader of our country. I know of at least one person now that I'm smarter than.

Tuesday, October 19, 2004

Not much today

I really don't have much to say today. I'm having one of those blah days. Nothing going great but nothing is going bad either. Except I forgot to make my insurance payment, and now I may not have any car insurance. I'll deal with that tonight when I can double check my bills. It's not due until the 25th, so I think I still have time to mail it. I have plenty of time, why am I even worrying about this?

On another note here is a list of things I love.
1. Shoes with good arch support.
2. Diet Coke.
3. Toy Slime
4. Electric Blankets
5. Blackjack Gum
6. Making someone smile
7. Kicking things that don't hurt your feet
8. Working Mopeds
9. British & Scottish accents
10. The way rabbits run
11. Legible handwriting
12. Green Lights
13. Other people's blogs

These are things I don't like
1. Americans that spell color with a "u"
2. Swimming
3. Movie theaters
4. Needles
5. Alarm Clocks
6. Blackjack Gum that loses it flavor
7. Americans that spell flavor with a "u"
8. Egos & Eggos
9. Walking barefoot on gravel
10. Blue Lights
11. The term "Interoffice Memorandum"
12. The smell of Gas
13. College Sports
14. Cold Hands
15. The way I draw smiley faces
16. People that type out lists because they have nothing better to do.


Monday, October 18, 2004

Now is the Time

I finally quit my job the other day. I just couldn't take anymore of the crap those pigfuckers that are my bosses were giving me. I'm still going to work for them on a temporary basis until they find someone to replace me. I need to get out of the TV field. I've been responsible for brainwashing the masses for way too long.

On a better note my friend Devin and I cleaned house this year at the moped races. Well not so much me, but Devin. Devin won first in everything, and I placed 4th in my class and 9th overall. Next year will be better. I'll be rockin on a brand new racing machine that will blow all away. Oh yes, it will happen.

That's me #65.

My life seems to have gotten better since my last funk. I haven't had a really depressing day for a few weeks. I've actually been in a great mood for the last week or so. I'll be in a better mood as soon as I can get the hell out of my mothers basement and have a place of my own. It's getting to be so hard to stay there. I mean for god's sake I'm 26 friggin years old, and still live with mommy. That's sad.

I need to get back out on my own and live my life the way I want and not hiding behind the facade I have made for myself. I don't think anyone truly knows who I am. They know Bryan, but they don't know me. I'm not even sure I know me. I'm constantly putting on a front when I'm with people either to cover up how I feel, or to act how I should feel but never do. Eventually it catches up with me and everything goes crazy until I can figure out how to sort it all and clear my thoughts.

I think that's all for today. I've spent a little too much of the company's dime playing around.

Monday, October 04, 2004

What a time we live in

I was cool yesterday afternoon, then all of the sudden last night I just got really down. Bad. I thought that I was just grumpy or something and it would go away after I went to sleep, but still this morning I just can't seem to shake this funk I'm in. I've never had something like this happen. I've gone from happy to sad real quick in the past, but there was always something sad that would cause it to happen. This time there was nothing. Just all of the sudden I got real sad. This not a good time to be me.