Monday, March 26, 2007


Try as I might, I just don't get British humor.

It's just not funny. Not even "it's so bad it's funny" funny. It just isn't.

Am I missing something? Am I not pretentious enough to pretend to enjoy something that is completely awful?

Although, I couldn't stop watching the show I was watching. It has a car wreck effect on me. I kept waiting for something funny to happen/be said, but it just kept disappointing me.

I know all you people out there are going to tell me I need to see this, I need to see that, but what's the point? It's just not funny.

The verdict, leave the British humor for the Brits. Keep that crap on your side of the pond chaps.


1 comment:

monkey said...

it's official.
you have no soul.