Saturday, December 17, 2005


So tonight as usual I'm going out to a place that I've never been. Actually I was there once before, but I don't recall it. You can figure out why. I've been on a kick lately to go places and do things that I haven't done. It's been enjoyable trying out new things and seeing new stuff. I'm sick of all the the things I've been doing for the last year or so. I'm in need of new experiences.

Also right now, I'm attempting to type all this with a broken finger. It's quite a pain the ass. Thankfully I have a spell check. How did I break it? Let's just say sometimes I do stupid things, and get hurt.

I have a somewhat new crew of friends, well I have a new friend that I've been out with a lot. I'm really enjoying the new company. So, yeah life is going OK. We'll see what the next few weeks have in store.



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