Saturday, November 26, 2005

Recovered? I think not.......

As of now I'm running at about 80%. I still have only slept a little bit in the last few days (less than three hours). Luckily I'm not sort of person that requires much sleep, so I'm doing OK. I had planned to regale all of my readers with the wonderous stories from the other night, but I have nixed that. Instead I plan on just typing any damn thing that pops in my head until I get a sizeable post, so that you don't view your visit here as a waste of time. Or, you may actually be looking forward to the stories from the other night, and feel that since they aren't here, this visit was a waste of time. Well if you're looking for something more rewarding I suggest you visit this site. There's really nothing more intellectually stimulating than that.

Onward we go. Did all of you people out there know that I'm getting old? I keep finding gray hairs in my head. I mean this has been going on for a while now, with the first one discovered back in 2001. I'm only twenty-seven for fucks sake. I hate to see what I'm like at forty. Probably something like this guy. Anyway I think I'm freaking out a bit. The other night (see now you get one) I checked so many IDs of kids that were born in 1984. I fucking remember 1984. That was twenty one years ago. Damn. Another thing is my body constantly hurts. Heartburn, bad knees, an ulcer, etc. I could go on and on about how my body is hell. But I won't seeing as how I do have it better than some people, but not as good as what I pictured when I was growing up.

Speaking of what I thought I should be, I'm not. According to my plan when I was six, I was supposed to be an astronaut now. I wasn't supposed to be a pee-on in a television station. I was supposed to be a big strong guy, not a skinny little runt, who can barely lift fifty pounds. Where did I go astray? I don't think I'll ever know. I suppose that's life.

I'm done.


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