Tuesday, September 27, 2005


It's now been close to 72 hours without a smoke. I'm fucking dying. I've had to shut my self up in the tiny little room I work in, just so I don't bite the head of someone. I didn't even want to quit, I just can't afford to buy smokes anymore.

In other news I still haven't figured out what the hell I'm going to do in December. In all likelihood I'll probably end up renting a storage facility and crashing on my dad's couch. I've got nothing else to do. I really want to do something else, but when you're stuck like me, there's not a lot to do.

But on the other front, I've been too busy to be depressed the last few days. It's been nice. I'm going to call the doctor tomorrow to ask about taking that pill that helps with depression and quitting smoking.

I've also decided to start actively looking for a relationship. I'm not really quite sure how to go about it, since I have a hard time just talking to girls in public, and I don't want to meet girls through the internet. My friends don't really know anybody to introduce me to, so I'm not sure how to go about it. If anyone has any advice I'd really appreciate it. I don't know where to start. I'm trying not to go to bars anymore, and I really don't want to meet a person at a bar anyway. Maybe I'll hang around the library, but I haven't been reading much the last few years, so I'm afraid I've gone stupid. I used to be fairly smart, but not so much anymore.

So how the hell do I go about this? I'm getting too old to wait any longer. That and I think I'm ready for a relationship again, since it's been a year and a half since the last one, which only lasted six months. My ponderings begin.


Monday, September 26, 2005

I'm going crazy

I haven't had a cigarette in 48 hours. I'm going nuts. Quitting sucks. I just need one to take the edge off. It's making me crazy.

Saturday, September 24, 2005


So I'm doing the sound for the news and we run a story on a murder case in court. it seems that two of the people plead guilty to the murder. The weird thing is that one of the guys that did it was a student of mine when I was student teaching. Man that's nuts. I know a murderer. Hell, I taught him how to read. Damn freaky.

Monday, September 19, 2005

Whoo hoo....

I'm listening to pre-season hockey on the computer right now. I'm about to blow a load. I love hockey.

I suppose

I'll make a new post since it's been a couple weeks. Now I'm done. For now. I'll put a little more down when I have some more time later tonight.

Tuesday, September 06, 2005


So the other night I'm out drinking at a bar. I see there is a whole huge group of Hell's Angels there. I'm wearing my Moped Army jacket, and I was slightly inebriated, so I decided to talk to them about how much cooler mopeds are. Bad idea #1. After getting reamed about how they're not bikes, and almost getting one of them punching me I decided to wait. I saw another one that looked a little more like a pacifist (yeah I know- Hell's Angel pacifist?) and decided to talk to him. Well he then picked me up, took me out of the bar and said I couldn't go back in there, ever. Now wait a damn minute. I was hot. These guys were from out of town. This was MY bar. I stomped back in told them I wasn't afraid of them and said this is my bar. You don't like it get the fuck out. They didn't like that. I got real scared. They then took me outside again. They then picked me up and started to take me towrds the trash can. They said I was garbage and they were going to put me where I belong. They got closer to putting me in and then they stopped. They said they were just fucking with me, and anyone with the balls to stand up to a gang of bikers alone, is a ballsy Mo'fo. They then bought me a beer and I was able to tell them all about mopeds. Turned out to be a good night.


Monday, September 05, 2005


Gurk. That's all.

Oh and food is good food.

Still trying to figure out what the hell I'm going to do in December. I still have no plan. If I don't think of one, then I know I'll be in Elkhart for the rest of my life.