Sunday, June 05, 2005

Things I want/need/don't need

This is just an excuse for me to make another list.

1.More money. I'm sick of being poor as shit.
2.A head that never aches.
3.A lifetime supply of Diet Coke with lime.
4.New shoes. Mine have holes in them, and I can't afford a new pair.
5.A job that I actually have to use my brain at.
6.A haircut.
7.No more stomach aches.
9.Another moped BBQ.
10.Some more friends. I'm feeling more social all of the sudden.
11.Another moped ride to K-zoo. Backroads are fun.
12.A good dinner.
13.Something to aim for. Some people call them goals.
14.Pants that fit.
15.Or a bigger body.
16.A day off.
18.Happy thoughts. Depression sucks.
19.An end to hangnails.
20.The ability to say "Dang!" and not sound like an idiot.
21.New shoes. C'mon I really need them.
22.Therapy. I think. Lots of it.
23.New glasses. Mine are 7 years old now.
24.A late night crew. I have no social life after 2:00pm.
26.One day that I don't accidentally injure myself. I'm a walking wound.
27.A cigarette.
28.A sweet ass nickname. Something like Johnny Thunder, or King Kick Ass.
29.A way to to not say "Fuck!" so much.
30.A pet whale.
31.Flying shoes. You know you want them too.
32.An end to this list.



artsy&geeky said...

#23. It's about time you have admitted to needing new glasses. I am so proud:) You have insurance now? Are glasses and a checkup covered?

#4, 21, & 31. What size shoe do you wear? I've recently been addicted to finding awesome goodwill shoes. If you want I can try and find you an awesome $4 pair, possibly even flying ones.

#28. I thought we agreed on "Princess"?

Bryan said...

I wear size 11. If you see some coolio shoes grab them.