Friday, December 03, 2004

This damn funk

I've been stuck in a really bad funk lately. I can't seem to shake it. If I knew what caused it, I could maybe deal with it, but I can't figure that out. I don't even know what brought it on. It just came out of nowhere. I was cool and then BAM! funky mood. I suppose it will pass as they always do, but I really don't want to wait for it to pass. I want it gone. Now. I'm going to try and stay busy and shake it by not thinking, but that always ends up biting me in the ass later. Maybe tomorrow night I'll be able to pass it. Usually when I'm with a good group of people, I get in a better mood and I can get over things, but who knows. It might make it worse or something. Damn it.


artsy&geeky said...

do you feel better?

Bryan said...
