Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Well here I am.

I'm sitting here way past my bedtime with yet another wretched stomach ache. I see that in the last few months, I have not really updated this much at all, so here, yet again, is a current recap of my life, in a convenient easy to read and digest list format.

I got arrested the Wednesday before Thanksgiving for doing the right thing for a change.

I no longer have a roomate.

I'm may currently be involved with something that can be seen as wrong on some levels, but I don't care. I'm enjoying it.

Earlier today I put some lotion on some dry spots on my legs. Turns out I'm allergic to that lotion. The itchiness intensified. Plus when I was taking a shower to wash off the lotion, I somehow set my smoke detector off. It would not shut off until I flipped the breaker for it.

I'm back to just running two stations at work. That's nice.

I'm convinced my neighbors are some sort of exotic furniture smugglers. Sounds weird, but I swear it's true.


Oh yeah, I can't get this page to look right in Firefox. If you want to see it in full glory you'll have to use IE. Sorry. My mad computer skills are on vacation.