Sunday, August 20, 2006

Only a week?

It seems that in the past week, my life has taken a drastic change.

I'm actually at a loss for words.

Anyway, here some albums to check out.

The Silver Jews-Tanglewood Numbers
The Stone Roses-The Stone Roses (I know it's old, but it's a classic)


Monday, August 14, 2006


So I finally got new glasses. I picked them up yesterday. Now I feel that I need to get a haircut, shave and start being a new person just because of them.

My old ones I'd had since I was 19. I'm 27 now. Those glasses were on my face for pretty much the formative years of my life. They lived with me in multiple places, cites and homes. They traveled halfway across the world with me. But now it's time for a change. Plus I made two monocles out my old ones. Can't wear those anymore.

It's strange how one little things can totally throw my whole physical view of myslef into upheaveal. I suppose I'll get used to them eventually, but it's going to be a strange week. No one has seen them yet except for the handful of people at the eye doctor. I'd place a picture, but I'll instead just let people see. Once I finally shave and get a haircut, maybe I'll place a picture up.

This is the dawning of a new era!
This is the dawning of a new era!
I met a girl from area three
She told me that she worked in a chicken factory

The Specials- Dawning of a New Era

Oh and here's some tunes to check out. I'll at least start giving people a reason to come to read my mindless drivel.

Bloc Party - Silent Alarm
The Arcade Fire- Funeral

So go pick those albums up. You'll like them. And if you don't next time you see me, I'll eat something gross. Whatever you want. Except meat.


Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Stupid camera phone.

I finally buy a new phone, and two weeks after I shell out way too much money for a high megapixel camera phone, the god damned lens breaks. All the pictures I take now have a haze around them.

Fucking technology.

But I am finally getting new glasses tomorrow. After eight years of the same ones, I figured it was time.


Monday, August 07, 2006

Tag I'm it.

This was originally posted back in March.

With some slight editing (mainly changing Sarah to Mandy) I present this to you in it's somewhat full glory.

Ok this is from Mandy . If you don't know her, well then you suck, since she is a cool girl. This originally came from my Myspace page, but since I don't use myspace for blogs, it goes here.

The Game:

The first player of this game starts with the "6 weird/things/habits about yourself" and people who get tagged need to write a blog of their 6 weird habits/things, as well as state this rule clearly. In the end, you need to choose 6 people to be tagged and list their names. Don't forget to leave a comment that says "you are tagged" in their comments and tell them to read yours. (which I'm not doing)

1. I have a lot of insane fears. I posted about them a little while back, but here are a few in no particular order. Needles. I pass out whenever I get a shot. I get squeamish and shaky when I see them on TV. I'm also scared of baseballs, pregnant women, and really long hair.

2. Every day in the shower I give myself a pep talk. I go over all the things that will happen that day, and prepare myself for them. I've been doing this since I was about 8 years old, and had a hard time dealing with people. Now I just do it, so that I have no surprises coming in the day.

3. For being a sugar-free vegetarian, I have the worst diet in the world. I never eat anything remotely healthy. Except for once month when I have a salad. My stomach constantly hurts, and I can't seem to stop eating the way I do.

4. This is probably the most embarassing on the list. I enjoy watching figure skating. I really do. Everytime I see it on TV I stop and watch it. I can't help it.

5. When I get bored, I tend to recite the alphabet backwards. I've done it so many times, that I can pretty much do it on cue. I find it helps on road trips. I tend not to think on how sore my ass is.

6. I purposely aim too high on things just so I can feel disappointed. I find it keeps my (very small) ego in check. I tend to try and over achieve, and stop myself just short of the goal.

That's all for now. Thank you Sarah. Whoops. I mean Mandy.

Now since then some of of these have changed.

1. I am in constant fear of making an ass out of myself around people that I respect. This tends to keep me indoors alone, so there will be a very small chance of me pissing someone off.

2. I am an avid watcher of crappy teen dramas on TV. I hate the OC. But I love Dawson's Creek, Veronica Mars, One Tree Hill, and most stuff on the WB. I also love Antiques Roadshow.

3. I still love to watch figure skating.

4. I am not gay.

5. Not only to pregnant women scare me, but also pretty girls. At least the ones that know how hot they are. Bitches.

6. I eat Tums like a motherfucker.

Seeing as how I'm on a roll, I might as well keep going.......(the constant fear I was talking about, might as well just accept the fact I'm a weirdo, and bring on the embarrassment)

7. I haven't gotten a haircut in five months. I have not shaved my beard in one month. And I refuse until I have a good reason. Vanity isn't one of them. Speaking of this, I've found the more hairy I get, the less inclined people are to talk to me. I pretty much get ignored by damn near everyone at work. It's very nice.

8. When I'm home alone, I sometimes pee sitting down. Why stand when you can sit?

9. I am not gay.

10. Every morning I have to hear "It's Your Thing" by the Isley Brothers to wake up.

11. I refuse to throw away clothes on a timely basis. I have shirts from the late eighties I still wear. That includes Vanilla Ice and New Kids on the Block. Not too mention my Chuck Taylors from high school.

12. Sometimes I challenge myself to say as little as possible in a given day. Record at home-0 words, three days. Record at work-5 words, 1 day.

13. My favorite place to shop is the grocery.

Well I think I have embarrassed myself enough now.


Thursday, August 03, 2006

When the hell did this happen?

Sometime in the last decade or so (actually since I turned eighteen) I have become intensely interested in politics. In the last few weeks I have written letter to three members of the US congress, two to the governer of Indiana, and one to a state senator. Is it weird that I have become so interested? I'm not a nerd for really caring what happens to me and the people that live in my state and country? Hell maybe I should even look into running for something. I'm not sure if I would be any good though. I tend to over analyze everything and until I have done so, I tend not to make a decision. If I were elected, that might make my constituents unhappy.

It is something to think about though.