Friday, March 31, 2006


Well it's been a week since I moved to Indy. Still don't have online access, but I'm back in Elkhart for the evening, and am sitting at my mothers house playing online. Whoo. What fun. Anyway, it's been a crazy week. Starting a new job and what not. I had no idea how hard this job would be. I'm really enjoying it though. It's a lot of fun. Nice to finally be at a place where people respect you and value your opinion. But now I'm off, so I can clean my old place and drive back off for Indy, so I can work tomorrow morning at 8am. Not used to that shit.


Wednesday, March 29, 2006

this is an audio post - click to play
this is an audio post - click to play

Saturday, March 25, 2006

You have a new Picture Mail

Sorry 'bout that.

So I'm supposed to be down in Indy right now. Last night I ordered a pizza and it poisoned me. Seriously ill. I've got to wait until tomorrow to try and get down there. So this will be the last update until I am able to get back online which could take a week, or even longer. So anyone feel free to e-mail me, I'll be able to check that a little more often than I will be able to update here. I'll try and post some audio posts, whenever I have a chance. So farewell for now, and hopefully I'll be hearing from you all very soon.


Monday, March 20, 2006

this is an audio post - click to play

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

last day.....

It's my last day at my job. WHOO HOO!! I'm done with this hellhole. Finally!

Wait this seems real familiar. Oh, yes. This is why.

Monday, March 13, 2006

It's almost that time.

I have decided that I want to take over the world. Not little by little, but all at once. As of midnight tonight, I declare myself King of the Universe. That means in exactly two and half hours things will change to way I want them. I'm talking pizza trees on every corner, free booze, and, ah, what the hell, new shoes for everyone.

I think that once I bribe everyone with shoes, they will be lining up to praise me. Yeah, I think I'm on to something here. I'll have a gigantic house that's 400 feet in the sky, suspended by flying wombats or something. Wait, do wombats fly? I know bats do, but what the hell exactly is a friggin' wombat? Is it half woman, half bat? Man, that'd be scary as all hell. A five foot nine bat screaming, "Get off your lazy ass, and do some work around the house!!", or (in a piercing half woman, half bat screech) "Do I look fat in these wings?" Wow. I'm starting to scare myself.

Speaking of scary things, the scariest thing in the world happened to me the other night. I opened a Diet Coke and the son of a bitch exploded in my face. That scared the crap out of me. Seriously. I had to change my pants. I can't even look at soda the same way anymore. I know it's out to get me. It's had it out for me ever since I ran over a bottle in my car last month. I didn't mean to kill it, but it just happened. So I formally apologize to the soda leaders of the world. Please let me live out the rest of my life without the fear of dying at the no-hands of a soda can.

If sodas did have hands, do you think they could operate marionettes? Man that'd be sweet. I love puppets. There's just something about them. I have refrain from humping the TV when the Muppets come on. My hero growing up was the obviously gay Ernie from Sesame Street. I thought Bert was a dick, but Ernie did it for me. Something about Bert's eyebrow (yes singular) bugged me. I used to dream of the time when I could grow up and meet Ernie and go frolicking through the flowered meadows hand in hand with my idol. Man the good times. What the hell happened?

I'm done being goofy. Maybe more tomorrow.


Sunday, March 12, 2006


I don't really have anything to bitch and moan about today. I could make something up though.

I can't think. Nevermind. This is a pointless post.


I don't like revolving doors.


Saturday, March 11, 2006

Boy howdy, do I need a snoozin!

So I've managed to sleep two hours in the last two days. I should be used to it, since I end up doing this about once a month, but I can tell right now, that it's affecting (or effecting, see??) my brain. I can't seem to remember how to spell anything.

On the plus side, I found a place to live in Indianapolis. Nice two bedroom place on the northwest side. It's close to work, and close to everything else I need. I'm just not looking forward to packing. Yuck.

I have so many interesting stories for you dear little blog, but I'm not in a coherent mood to type them all out in glorious detail. I may try tomorrow, but I'll probably just get lazy and keep them in my noggin.

Bah. Time for smoke.


(I'm glad I don't actually talk like I write here)

Monday, March 06, 2006

Only because I have to.

Ok this is from Sarah . If you don't know her, well then you suck, since she is a cool girl. This originally came from my Myspace page, but since I don't use myspace for blogs, it goes here.

The Game:

The first player of this game starts with the "6 weird/things/habits about yourself" and people who get tagged need to write a blog of their 6 weird habits/things, as well as state this rule clearly. In the end, you need to choose 6 people to be tagged and list their names. Don't forget to leave a comment that says "you are tagged" in their comments and tell them to read yours. (which I'm not doing)

1. I have a lot of insane fears. I posted about them a little while back, but here are a few in no particular order. Needles. I pass out whenever I get a shot. I get squeamish and shaky when I see them on TV. I'm also scared of baseballs, pregant women, and really long hair.

2. Every day in the shower I give myself a pep talk. I go over all the things that will happen that day, and prepare myself for them. I've been doing this since I was about 8 years old, and had a hard time dealing with people. Now I just do it, so that I have no surprises coming in the day.

3. For being a sugar-free vegetarian, I have the worst diet in the world. I never eat anything remotely healthy. Except for once month when I have a salad. My stomach constantly hurts, and I can't seem to stop eating the way I do.

4. This is probably the most embarassing on the list. I enjoy watching figure skating. I really do. Everytime I see it on TV I stop and watch it. I can't help it.

5. When I get bored, I tend to recite the alphabet backwards. I've done it so many times, that I can pretty much do it on cue. I find it helps on road trips. I tend not to think on how sore my ass is.

6. I purposely aim too high on things just so I can feel disappointed. I find it keeps my (very small) ego in check. I tend to try and over achieve, and stop myself just short of the goal.

That's all for now. Thank you Sarah.


Sunday, March 05, 2006


That sums up my day so far. I'm not a good mood, or in a bad mood. I'm just yucky. It's probably beacuse it's a gray day today. Everybody here is a bad mood too. No one has said a word in hours. I can't even remember the last word I said out loud. It's terrible. Can't wait to go home and sit. Or stand. My ass is kind of sore. Not sure why. GAH.

It's going to be such a change of pace when I take that new job. I won't have my usual down time at all. It's going to be busy busy busy. I'm really looking forward to it.

I'm off. Time to find a corner to hide in.


Saturday, March 04, 2006

Boogada Boogada Boogada!!

GAH. I feel like so much has happened in the past week. But, there really hasn't been much. I've just been going crazy trying to get all my shit together for moving. I haven't done much, but it's so damn overwhelming that I just sit and freak out about how much shit I have to do. I know that moving day is going to sneak up on me and bite me in the ass. That, my friend, is going to suck balls.

I have a feeling, although a small one, that it may end up being like it was before. Me going to work, coming home, going to bed. No social life whatsoever. I really hope people will come and visit more often than when I was there before. Hopefully I'll be able to come back to town, once I get situated. Last time I was only able to make up every three months or so, which was not enough. I should have come up a little more often. I just hope I don't get stuck all alone down there again. I'm getting better at meeting people, but it's still a little hard. It's going to be a change, but I think it'll be one for the better. I'm going to make sure that I pull it off this time. There's no returning for me. I'm too old to start over again.